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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday TaRo!!!

HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY TaRo!!!!! Today the 24th... Tavia and Ron is hosting a birthday party together again. Yay!! I have been waiting for this day for so long. Every year these two best friends held a birthday party. But last year they didn't held one and thier fans were upset. We were wondering where had TaRo went? Where are they? This year after hearing they are holding a birthday party together. The fans got so excited and couldn't wait till today the 24th. TaRo had finally turn 29th.

Tavia birthday is on 8/30

Ron birthday is on 9/2

I started to love these two lovely couple after I watched The Academy in 2006. They had such great chemistry no matter on screen or off screen. On screen you can actually feel their love and really want more of them. Off screen they can do waht ever they wanted and we won't be able to see them. Just hope that Mrs. Lok gave them more time on screen. TVB have them filmed a series togerher that actually LOVERS. In The Acadmey they didnt end up together untill the very end. We didnt get to see more of them and In The Acadmey 2 they broke up. Just hope that this year could be thier lovely year and filmed a series together.

Best Wishes to TaRo. May you two get more series to act and be in a series together. Best wishes in 2009 and no matter what we well support you forever.

Tavia + Ron = Forever

Tavia + Ron = TaRo forever


Happy 29th Birthday TaRo!!!

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