Like and interested in Blogging? A fan of either Bernice Liu or Tavia
Yeung? Or just simply like them both? Come and apply and join us now!!
EternityBT is recruiting now and we need as much help as needed!! Email me at
What are we looking for?
We are looking for...
We'll need you guys to translate what ever news, weibo updates, or
anything related from Chinese into English. Apparently, yes..I do lack
in Chinese myself and I couldn't really read it. And there are fans that
speaks English more and I do want to keep the fans updated with the
information!! What you'll do is, translate all the news, weibo updates,
and anything else related. Then you guys would email me the posts and
I'll update it up. Of course, it will be sign off with your name so you
guys will definitely get the credit. And don't worry, I won't be
changing anything. Whatever and how ever you guys had written that
report I'll put it up the way it is!
I'll need help in running this place!! Your job is to updates posts on
the two artists! You can be creative with your posts; example like,
their daily updated behind the scenes pictures, fashions from awards,
news, videos, etc. Anything, basically what you'll see in a normal blog
and what the author would post. Like what I'm doing! And yes, once
you're recruited, I'll definitely add you as an blog author!! But, one
thing I'll ask is to let me see what you guys had wrote first! :)
And of course, you guys can update anytime you want! I know that we are
all busy with our lives and can't just sit in front of the computer
trying to search up news and stuff and blog. So when ever you guys feel
like posting.. go ahead! ^^
You guys would need to know the information of what Bernice and Tavia is
up to. What are they doing lately? Is there any events or promotions
that they are attending? Where is it and when is it? What series will be
airing soon? What series will they be doing next or what they will be
doing next? Anything along those lines. The information must be reliable
and must be true!! Where you get the information, hope that site is
reliable! We do not want to give false information to the fans.You will
email me the information and I'll updated. Don't worry, you are
definitely credited!! ;]
Your job would be making graphics! Anyone that is interested in playing
with photoshop!! From time to time, I would like you guys to make
headers, banners, and layouts to change the blog with!! You guys can go
as creative as you like!! And no, I would not be telling you that you
have to make the new header by today or would I be demanding you guys to
make or change the layout!! I won't be asking that at all. You are free
to when ever you guys like to make it!! You guys can do it whenever you
guys like and I won't rush you guys at all!! You guys can definitely do
any graphics you want!! When you guys make the design, please signature
it off with EternityBT and your name both with 11-12 points font. I'm
asking you guys to sign it off with your name because it is definitely
credited to you!! Email me for me to confirm it before you guys
officially sign it off and finalize it! And after that, email the
confirm graphic and I'll post it. Oh and please that your graphics must
have both Bernice and Tavia as this is their blog!!
Apply with:
-Your Name
-Position (ex: co-author, graphic, translator, scheduler. If you apply
for graphics, translators. Please be specific as in what kind of stuff
you'll translate and what graphic you'll design.)
-And for each positions you guys will be submitting an example.
- Co-Author - please send an example post that you will post if you are recruited.
- Graphics - please send an example graphic
- Scheduler - please send an information of updated event from both Bernice and Tavia. Must be reliable!
- Translator - please translate this:
The one from Bernice is just part of it and its an old news.
Please email it all to