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Monday, May 31, 2010


Hey everyone, I still have exams coming up and other stuff going on, so I'm really busy. But I've been going online and read some TVB news and stuff. But haven't start or finish any series yet. My schedule is quite hectic..ahaha. Well anyways, I had said that I'll be back on June 24th, but I'm going to change it. I am coming back right today!! foreverloveTVB is back from hiatus, but there won't be any updates for awhile. June's artists of the month and June's Babies will be schedule to be post tomorrow, June 1st. I think after that, there won't be any post until foreverloveTVB's anniversary? I don't know yet. But as for right now, I'm back =D

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Babies

It's that time of the month again!! It's time for all May Babies to shine!! Happy Birthday to all May's Birthdays. I wish you all a wonderful new year and a great time on your birthday =]

Happy Birthday to all May Babies =] I wish all of you will have a wonderful time and all your wishes will come true. I wish you all a prosperous year, film more series but don't over work yourself! Joy and Happiness all year round and forever. Do your best and we'll always support you!! Happy Birthday xD

This month May Babies are...

Natalie Tong - 5/3
Susanna Kwan - 5/3
Wayne Lai - 5/4
Grace Wong - 5/5
Patrick Tang - 5/6
Charmaine Sheh - 5/28
Joyce Cheng - 5/30

Happy Birthday and best wishes, prosperity and eternal happiness ;]
