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Thursday, June 17, 2010

直到你不找我 - Until You Do Not Look For Me

直到你不找我 - Until You Do Not Look For Me
By: Raymond Lam
Theme: Mysteries of Love

One of my favorite song of the year ;] It's Raymond and he did so well in singing it!! I can't wait till I start on the series. The mv for this song will play at the end of each episode as end ending credit. I find that is cool and Tavia star as the female lead in the MV =] Double fungyi! Lol I really enjoy this song and I hope all of you do too ;]


記得當時誰路過 秒針忽然停頓過
gei dak dong si sui lo gwoh miu jam fat yin ting dun gwoh
hei wan sap do chang jaau bin taai doh
記憶不停重疊過 你的表情提示過
gei yik bat ting chung dip gwoh nei dik biu ching tai si gwoh
愛的 可能是我
oi dik hoh nang si ngoh

想法太亂 幻 覺太多
seung faat taai luen waan gok taai doh
疑慮很大 直到說不清楚
yi lui han daai jik do suet bat ching choh
心算太慢 但仍然算錯
sam suen taai maan daan ying yin suen choh
找對人 偏錯過
jaau dui (yu) yan pin choh gwoh

*直到開始想喜歡我 直到終於不喜歡我
jik do hoi chi seung hei foon ngoh jik do jung yue bat hei foon ngoh 
直到碰上一個 逃避一個
jik do pung seung yat goh to bei yat goh 
追不上 躲不過
jui bat seung doh bat gwoh 
直到開始找不到我 直到終於不想找我
jik do hoi chi jaau bat do ngoh jik do jung yue bat seung jaau ngoh
直到你擦身過 才認得我
jik do nei chaat san gwoh choi ying dak ngoh 
彼此也在折磨  像當初*
bei chi ya joi jit moh jeung dong choh

想法太亂 直覺對麼
seung faat taai luen jik gok dui moh
疑慮很大 直到愛不清楚
yi lui han daai jik do oi bat ching choh
當這世上 全懷疑我錯
dong je sai seung chuen waai yi ngoh choh
總有人 相信我
jung yau (wu) yan seung sun ngoh


credit - hyn5@幸而城 Fortunate City  and pinyin credit to Mizquach - youtube

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