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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Myolie's new album

Myolie all time favorite TVB actress had sign on to the singing company. She had released her first album Evolve, on November 28, 2008. Buy her cds and support her =] The cd had include some songs that we all heard and know already. Here are the tracks =]
1. 單身旅行
2. 浪漫世紀
3. 時間不等我
4. 幸而
5. 豬小姐
6. 哪時此刻 OT:一加一 (胡杏兒/王浩信合唱)
7. 感激遇到你 (野蠻奶奶大戰戈師奶插曲) (胡杏兒/黃宗澤合唱)
8. 最難過今天 (野蠻奶奶大戰戈師奶插曲) (胡杏兒/王浩信合唱)
1. 單身旅行
2. 浪漫世紀 (劇場版)
3. 哪時此刻 (劇場版)
Finally a full version of "Thankful in meeting you" with Bosco is out. I loved this song. Is so calm, romantic and soothing. Their voices match too. lol =] Hmm everyone is signing on to the singing company. Bosco did too right? What about Bernice? Bernice has such a beautiful voice.
Well hope everyone support Myolie and by her album ^^
credit: yesasia

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