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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Overall Series Review...

I want to write a short little reviews on the newly released of the four recently aired series broadcasted for TVB2013. I will write a thoroughly review later on.

For the start of TVB2013, TVB had aired its first two series; Missing You and Friendly Fire. Both, Missing You and Friendly Fire are a simple going series that relaxes you with ease. Inbound Trouble is a series filled with laughter from the start till the end. A perfect way to the start the Snake Year! With Chinese New Year rolling along and entering the prosperous new snake year, TVB than released its new year series, The Days of Days. Another easy going series, The Days of Days is a simple minded new year series.

I had recently completed all four series that TVB had released. These four series were the start of TVB2013 and it had started off with relaxation and comedic. Yes, once again it had bought me back to the TVB drama land. But, what do I really think about these four series? 

Missing You is a simple, simple, simple series. The series talked about a group of social workers go and find long lost family members. Missing You gives off a very fresh feel; from the storyline to the cast. The sub-stories were enjoyable to watch. My favorite got to be Helena Law finding her siblings. It was the most memorable to me. Honestly, I kinda forgot other stories in the series. But, what was really my thoughts on this series? Did I really like it? Yes, it was an relaxing series and I did ended up enjoying it. But, overall, I thought it was just okay. It has nothing special or important parts. It's a simple skip.

Friendly Fire (what do you think off when you read the title? I thought it was a new series...didn't think it was this series -.-) is about law and justice. It is a crossover or a better word a collaboration between the police force and lawyers. It talked about how prosecutors make sure that justice is served. Once again, it was a simple minded series that nothing 'big' had happened. (I think it was the most easy going law series I had watched?) The cases were just alright. I didn't feel a big 'wow or omg.' It was more like, 'yea, okay, so what and why it happen?' I felt the cases weren't that developed or complete. (Maybe it was just some of them or I just need to start watching series with English Subs :P) I just felt that the cases weren't elaborated enough? I am actually itching for a Forensic/crime/detective series after watching this..hahah. Anyways, it has an excessive amount of  'hot' scenes that had gotten out of hand. It was too much and it had gotten really awkward to watch. Anyhow, it was another simple skip with no worries.

Replacing these two series were Inbound Troubles and The Days of Days. After two simple minded series, TVB shot us with two comedies. I never thought that I would watch Inbound Troubles and I didn't even know what The Days of Days was.

Anyhow, Inbound Troubles talked about two cousins met in Hong Kong. One was from Hong Kong and the other from China. What was the main intention of this series? I have no clue or I'm just not using my brain. It talked about a lot of stuffs. But, I guess it does connect to one another. (Does anyone else think that the poster is a bit misleading? Or is it just me?) The only reason that had kept me watching was the pairings of the two leads; Roger and Joey! But other wise, I guess I would had skip this series. Overall, it was a very very very funny series. I got some really good laughs out of it and am I excited for the sequel? Only for Roger and Joey :P 

Lastly, its The Days of Days. A simple comedy New Years series. It was just in time for the New Year week. What do I need to say about this series? I have no clue what to say. The only thing I would say is Sonija and Sunny's chemistry/pairing! Yes, I only watched it for the two of them. (What to expect from me. lol) It was boring I got to say but but it was a good laugh here and there. Towards the middle of the series, I've started to skip scenes. It started to went downhill and it didn't make any sense. I didn't even know what the series was talking about in the first place. I thought it was about family fuel between Sonjia's family, but it wasn't. Then I thought that once Tracy Yip married into the family, she will start a problem over the asset, but nope didn't happen either. Well anyways, I thought some scenes didn't make any sense and the series wasn't developed well. But once the series was over, I got sad all and all because it was time to say goodbye to Tong Nga Wun (Sonjia) and Sung Lai Wo (Sunny).

Okay, this is just a quick glance of my thoughts on these series. I will have the full reviews up soon. Stay tune for that!

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