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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year + New Banner

Hi Everyone!! Yes I was gone for a very long time and I definitely miss all of you! And of course I miss blogging as well..haha. Since its winter vacation, I should have time to blog and update my blog right? LOL. Yes, I'm back and I will be updating my blog now. I don't know if it will be constant, but I promise I will be updating from time to time. Hhehee. 

Anyways, I have a lot I wanted to share and I can't wait! I've just finished with "The Hippocratic Crush II" and I need to catch up with the others series. Oh and of course I need to watch the Awards Ceremony! So many things I need to catch up on. And stay tune for those posts!! ^^ 

And for now I want to wish all of you a wonderful holidays with your family and a very Happy New Year!! May the year of 2014 bring all of you Happiness, Good Health, and Prosperity. :] <3 nbsp="" p="">
Much Love from forverloveTVB <3 nbsp="" p="">

Oh and do you guys like my new banner? Hehehe.. 

"If you hold on to love despite the scars, hold on to goodness despite the evil, hardship or difficulties, then everyone can be a guardian angel to people around us." -Faceless Man (On Call 2)  

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